Contributing Member
Membership upgrades to Contributor status are determined after someone has joined the SCU as a Community Access Member and provided support to SCU in the form or work or financial contributions.
Benefits include:
Participation in SCU projects and operations.
Assistance with peer reviews, investigations and other research projects.
Access to SCU communication platforms and private social media.
Early Access to the SCU Review and the SCU Journal.
Authorization to submit project proposals and articles.
Discount of 10% off the costs of the SCU Conference.
Access to request an official SCU Business Card design.
A cover letter explaining one’s interest in the scientific study of the UAP phenomenon and reasons for supporting SCU.
A copy of your resume which will be held in confidence.
A signed copy of the SCU Affiliate/Member Operational Agreement.
One or more of the following; contributions of material support or financial donations.
For example, donations of at least $40, which are tax deductible and are given to SCU between now and the end of the year, or donations made to provide scholarships for university students to attend our conference. Examples of Material support include:
Support for SCU approved research or investigative projects.
Submission of a white paper or an editorial that has been submitted and reviewed by SCU Peer Review Committee.
Submission of a previously published paper or an investigative case report to the SCU Peer Review Committee for publishing on the SCU website.
Volunteering your support for SCU at conferences or other events.
Volunteering your support to SCU in the areas of software/web development, video services, editorial services, etc.
Volunteering as a Staff Member, Board Member, Journal Editor, Advisor, etc.
If you haven't already done so, become a Community Access Member first by clicking here...